Who is this girl?
Photo by Uche Photography
Hey there! I'm Kendra (sometimes aka Triana or trianat out in the interwebs world) and I love taking pictures.
I started with a Kodak 110 when I was about 7 years old, then moved to 35 mm in high school. I did a brief stint in the digital world (sometimes I still dabble), but my true love has always been film. My camera collection is growing all the time, but my main go-to cameras are my Polaroids SX-70 and 330 and my Holga (though I've been known to favor the Brownie Hawkeye too!). The newest love of my life is my Canon Elan 7e that shoots 35mm. (I know, my camera bag is always too heavy!)
Please look around and see what you like. There's a link below to my Flickr and Instagram (with tons more photos). I would love to hear from you!